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Guitar for Absolute Beginners: Play Guitar in 10 Weeks
Note For NYC Guitar School Live-Online And Live-In-Person Students
This Video Course Accompanies The Beginners 1 and Beginners 2 Live Classes
Guitar for Absolute Beginners - Lesson 1
The Very Basics of Guitar -- and your first chord, the D Chord (4:04)
Holding the Guitar (1:04)
Chord Diagrams Explained (3:00)
Chord Diagram Reading - Self Test #1 (1:28)
Chord Diagram Reading - Self Test #2 (1:44)
The G Chord - Introduction (1:13)
G Chord Troubleshooting (2:27)
Download the PDF (0:06)
Lead Fingers (2:11)
How to Practice (3:18)
How to Count (1:51)
D to G Changes (2:31)
Song Suggestions (2:08)
Tuner App (0:37)
Class One Practice Suggestions (0:45)
Introducing the Capo (2:12)
Guitar for Absolute Beginners Chapter One
Parts of the Guitar (2:30)
Parts of the Guitar: Self Test (1:47)
How to Hold a Guitar (1:27)
How to Strum - The Rest Stroke (2:07)
Rest Stroke Exercise @ 60 bpm (1:19)
Rest Stroke Exercise @ 100 bpm (0:51)
How to Identify Strings (1:58)
Identifying String - Self Test (1:04)
How to Identify Fingers (0:55)
Identifying Fingers - Self Test (1:09)
How to Identify Frets (0:45)
How to Fret a Clean Note (2:09)
Fretting Exercise - Explained (0:59)
Fretting Exercise @ 60 bpm (1:59)
Fretting Exercise @ 100 bpm (1:03)
Fretting Troubleshooting (1:34)
Self Test - Finger, Frets and Strings (2:08)
Acquiring a Metronome (1:58)
The D Chord - Introduction (2:59)
D Chord Build Up - Explained (1:10)
D Chord Build Up @ 60 bpm (2:24)
D Chord Build Up @ 100 bpm (1:16)
D Chord Mega Lift - Explained (1:24)
D Chord Mega Lift @ 60 bpm (1:20)
D Chord Mega Lift @ 100 bpm (0:53)
Clear Sounding D Chord (1:34)
D Chord Troubleshooting (1:43)
G Chord Build Up - Introduction (0:56)
G Chord Build Up @ 60 bpm (1:23)
G Chord Build Up @ 100 bpm (1:15)
G Chord Mega Lift @ 60 bpm (0:55)
G Chord Mega Lift @ 100 bpm (1:14)
D to G Switch - Explained (3:03)
D to G Change Drill @ 60 bpm (3:03)
D to G Change Drill @ 80 bpm (1:33)
D to G Change Drill @ 100 bpm (1:16)
D to G Change Drill @ 120 bpm (1:17)
Wrist Troubleshooting (3:17)
Six Songs @ 60 bpm (2:46)
Six Songs @ 80 bpm (2:46)
Six Songs @ 100 bpm (2:05)
Six Songs @ 120 bpm (1:40)
Practice Portal (0:06)
"Give Peace a Chance" - Explained (0:54)
Play Along in the Style of 'Give Peace a Chance' (2:20)
'Born in the USA' Explained (0:39)
Play Along in the Style of 'Born in the USA' (1:55)
'Walk on the Wild Side' - Explained (0:46)
Play Along in the Style of 'Walk on the Wild Side' (1:25)
"What I Got" - Explained (0:42)
Play Along in the Style of 'What I Got' (1:51)
14 Two-Chord Guitar Songs For Beginners with D and G (Songs For Absolute Beginners Class 1)
Guitar for Absolute Beginners - Lesson 2
Lesson 2 - Introduction (2:01)
How to Use a Tuner (3:20)
How to Hold a Pick (1:49)
Playing On the Beat (2:09)
D to G on beat @ 60 bpm (2:18)
D to G On the Beat @ 90 bpm (2:06)
D to G On the Beat @ 120 bpm (2:12)
The A7 Chord - Introduction (1:48)
D to A7 @ 60 bpm (2:47)
D to A7 @ 90 bpm (1:42)
D to A7 @ 120 bpm (1:14)
How to Read Guitar Tab (7:57)
Guitar Tab Reading - Self Test #1 (2:02)
Guitar Tab Reading - Self Test #2 (2:34)
Guitar Tab Reading - Self Test #3 (2:34)
What is a Lick? (1:27)
How to Read Guitar Charts (6:07)
Memorizing Songs, Using Patterns (1:55)
'Batman' Style Intro - Explained (3:38)
"Batman" Style Intro - @ 60 bpm (1:26)
'Batman' Style Intro - @ 90 bpm (0:58)
'Batman' Style Intro - @ 120 bpm (0:52)
12 Bar Blues - Introduction (2:15)
'Ice Cream Man' - Explained (1:01)
Play Along in the Style of 'Ice Cream Man' (1:41)
"Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" - Explained (3:13)
Play Along in the Style of 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For' (2:46)
13 Three-Chord Guitar Songs For Beginners With D, G and A7 (Songs For Absolute Beginners Class 3)
Guitar for Absolute Beginners - Lesson 3
Lesson 3 - Introduction (1:38)
What is a Chord Progression? (4:41)
The E Minor Chord - Introduction (0:44)
G to Em Pivot - Explained (1:53)
G to Em @ 60 bpm (1:32)
G to Em Pivot at 90 bpm (1:20)
G to Em Pivot @ 120 bpm (1:05)
The C Chord - Introduction (1:14)
Em to C Pivot - Explained (0:53)
Em to C Pivot @ 60 bpm (1:40)
Em to C Pivot @ 90 bpm (1:15)
The D7 Chord - Introduction (1:45)
C to D7 @ 60 bpm (1:56)
C to D7 @ 90 bpm (1:11)
C to D7 @ 120 bpm (1:12)
The Whole Shebang - Explained (2:59)
The Whole Shebang @ 60 bpm (2:09)
The Whole Shebang @ 90 bpm (1:32)
The Whole Shebang @ 120 bpm (1:45)
Capo Talk (2:57)
Play Any Song with One Simple Trick (5:35)
The Almost "Peter Gunn" Riff - Explained (2:19)
The Almost "Peter Gunn" Riff @ 60 bpm (1:25)
The Almost "Peter Gunn" Riff @ 90 bpm (1:30)
The Almost "Peter Gunn" Riff @ 120 bpm (1:17)
Fundamental Habits of a Good Guitar Player (2:57)
"Stand by Me" - Explained (1:08)
Play Along in the Style of 'Stand By Me' (2:32)
Play Along in the Style of 'Last Kiss' (3:15)
"Viva La Vida" - Explained (2:19)
Play Along in the Style of 'Viva La Vida' (2:43)
Guitar for Absolute Beginners - Lesson 4
Lesson 4 - Introduction (1:00)
Alternate Strumming - Introduction (1:10)
Strumming Notation (0:56)
Em to G Pivot - Explanation (1:59)
Em to G Chord Alternate Strumming @ 60 bpm (0:54)
Em to G - Alternate Strumming @ 90 bpm (0:57)
Em to G - Alternate Strumming @ 120 bpm (0:39)
Small Barre - Introduction (1:14)
Small Barre Lick #1 (0:47)
Small Barre Lick #2 (0:48)
Classic Sliding Small Barre - Explained (2:01)
Classic Sliding Small Barre #2 (1:34)
"Bad Moon Rising" - Explained (0:43)
Play Along in the Style of 'Bad Moon Rising' (1:13)
"I Gotta Feeling" - Explained (0:45)
Play Along in the Style of 'I Gotta Feeling' (slow) (2:19)
Play Along in the Style of 'I Gotta Feeling' (fast) (2:10)
"First Cut" - Explained (1:01)
Play Along in the Style of 'First Cut is the Deepest' (slow) (2:55)
Play Along in the Style of 'The First Cut is the Deepest' (fast) (2:27)
Guitar for Absolute Beginners - Lesson 5
Lesson 5 - Introdution (1:30)
"Wild Riff" - Explained (4:40)
"Wild Riff" Play Along @ 60 bpm (2:08)
"Wild Riff" Play Along @ 90 bpm (2:02)
"Wild Riff" Play Along @ 120 bpm (2:05)
A Minor Chord - Introduction (1:49)
C to Am Pivot - Explained (1:51)
C to Am Pivot @ 60 bpm (1:53)
C to Am Pivot @ 90 bpm (1:27)
C to Am Pivot @ 120 bpm (1:32)
G to A Minor - Explained (1:43)
G to A Minor @ 60 bpm (1:25)
G to A Minor @ 90 bpm (1:19)
G to A Minor @ 120 bpm (1:26)
D to A Minor - Explained (1:51)
D to A Minor @ 60 bpm (1:05)
D to A Minor @ 90 bpm (1:09)
D to A Minor @ 120 bpm (0:50)
Fundamental Habits of a Good Guitar Player (3:03)
"My Girl" - Explained (3:45)
Play Along in the Style of 'My Girl' (slow) (2:41)
Play Along in the Style of 'My Girl' (fast) (2:21)
"Knocking on Heaven's Door" - Explained (1:32)
Play Along in the Style of 'Knocking on Heaven's Door' (slow) (2:13)
Play Along in the Style of 'Knocking on Heaven's Door' (fast) (1:15)
"Hot n Cold" - Explained (1:38)
Play Along in the Style of 'Hot N Cold' (3:40)
Play 13 Easy Beginners Songs On Guitar Using The C Chord (Songs For Absolute Beginners Class 5)
Guitar for Absolute Beginners - Lesson 6
Lesson 6 - Introduction (1:09)
Air Strum Technique - Explained (1:46)
Basic Strum Pattern - Explained (3:06)
Em to G Basic Strum Pivot - Explained (1:18)
E Minor to G Basic Strum Pivot @ 60 bpm (1:13)
E Minor to G Basic Strum @ 90 bpm (1:06)
E Minor to G Basic Strum @ 120 bpm (0:56)
D to G Basic Strum - Introduction (1:08)
D to G Basic Strum @ 60 bpm (1:23)
D to G Basic Strum @ 90 bpm (0:58)
D to G Basic Strum @ 120 bpm (1:00)
"Jet Plane" - Explained (1:22)
Play Along in the Style of 'Leaving on a Jet Plane' (2:56)
"Country Roads" - Explained (1:11)
Play Along in the Style of 'Take Me Home, Country Roads' (4:06)
"Wish You Were Here" - Explained (0:43)
Play Along in the Style of 'Wish You Were Here' (1:26)
13 Easy Basic-Strum Songs With G, C and D (Songs For Absolute Beginners Class 6)
Guitar for Absolute Beginners - Lesson 7
Lesson 7 - Introduction (1:20)
Best Strum Pattern - Explained (3:20)
Best Strum @ 60 bpm (0:58)
Best Strum @ 80 bpm (0:59)
Best Strum @ 100 bpm (0:57)
E Minor to G Best Strum @ 60 bpm (1:03)
E Minor to G Best Strum @ 80 bpm (1:07)
E Minor to G Best Strum @ 100 bpm (0:56)
G to C Best Strum @ 60 bpm (1:19)
G to C Best Strum @ 80 bpm (1:00)
G to C Best Strum @ 100 bpm (0:51)
"Sometimes it's Just Not Easy" (0:40)
"Brown Eyed Girl" - Explained (1:23)
Play Along in the Style of 'Brown Eyed Girl' (2:11)
Play Along in the Style of 'I Will Follow You into the Dark' (slow) (3:10)
Play Along in the Style of 'I Will Follow You into the Dark' (fast) (3:46)
"Johnny B. Goode" - Explained (0:52)
Play Along in the Style of 'Johnny B. Goode' (Slow) (3:04)
Play Along in the Style of 'Johnny B. Goode' (fast) (1:40)
14 Easy Best Strum Songs With G, C and D (Songs For Absolute Beginners Class 7)
Guitar for Absolute Beginners - Lesson 8
Lesson 8 - Introduction (1:32)
A Chord - Introduction (1:09)
D to A Pivot - Explained (1:03)
D to A Best Strum @ 60 bpm (1:27)
D to A Best Strum @ 80 bpm (1:10)
D to A Best Strum @ 100 bpm (0:59)
A to C Pivot - Explained (2:06)
A to C Best Strum @ 60 bpm (1:23)
A to C Best Strum @ 80 bpm (0:49)
A to C Best Strum @ 100 bpm (0:57)
The E Chord - Introduction (0:48)
D to E Pivot - Explained (1:21)
D to E Best Strum @ 60 bpm (1:17)
D to E Best Strum @ 80 bpm (1:38)
D to E Best Strum @ 100 bpm (1:38)
A to E Best Strum @ 60 bpm (2:37)
A to E Best Strum @ 80 bpm (1:21)
A to E Best Strum @ 100 bpm (1:11)
E-D-A-E Progression with Pivot - Explained (2:13)
E-D-A-E Progression with Pivot @ 60 bpm (1:45)
E-D-A-E Progression with Pivot @ 80 bpm (1:36)
E-D-A-E Progression with Pivot @ 100 bpm (1:28)
Introduction to Music Theory (0:48)
Music Theory Part 1 (2:05)
Music Theory Part 2 (3:48)
Music Theory Part 3 (3:16)
"Wild Riff" Key of A @ 60 bpm (1:33)
"Wild Riff" Key of A @ 80 bpm (1:23)
"Wild Riff" Key of A @ 100 bpm (1:28)
"All I Want is You" - Explained (3:32)
Play Along in the Style of 'All I Want is You' (2:41)
"Sweet Child O' Mine" - Explained (2:00)
Play Along in the Style of 'Sweet Child O' Mine'(Slow) (3:48)
Play Along in the Style of 'Sweet Child O' Mine' (Fast) (2:38)
12 Easy Guitar Songs For Beginners With A Major Chords (Songs For Absolute Beginners Class 8)
Guitar for Absolute Beginners - Lesson 9
Lesson 9 - Introduction (1:20)
Mixed Rhythm - Explained (2:38)
G Best to Basic Strum @ 60 bpm (1:12)
G Best to Basic Strum @ 80 bpm (1:07)
G Best to Basic Strum @ 100 bpm (1:16)
Em Best Strum to G Basic Strum @ 60 bpm (2:33)
Em Best Strum to G Basic Strum @ 80 bpm (1:36)
Em Best Strum to G Basic Strum @ 100 bpm (1:20)
D Best Strum to G Basic Strum @ 60 bpm (1:25)
D Best Strum to G Basic Strum @ 80 bpm (1:11)
D Best Strum to G Basic Strum @ 100 bpm (1:19)
Split Measures - Explained (2:19)
D-G Basic Strum to A7 Best Strum - Introduction (1:57)
D-G Basic Strum to A7 Best Strum @ 60 bpm (1:52)
D-G Basic Strum to A7 Best Strum @ 80 bpm (1:37)
D-G Basic Strum to A7 Best Strum @ 100 bpm (1:21)
G Best Strum to C-D Basic Strum - Introduction (1:05)
G Best Strum to C-D Basic Strum @ 60 bpm (1:49)
G Best Strum to C-D Basic Strum @ 80 bpm (1:25)
G Best Strum to C-D Basic Strum @ 100 bpm (1:18)
"Take it Easy" - Explained (0:53)
Play Along in the Style of 'Take It Easy' (2:00)
"Redemption Songs" - Explained (1:39)
Play Along in the Style of 'Redemption Song' (3:03)
"Hey Ya" - Explained (1:04)
Play Along in the Style of 'HeyYa' (Slow) (2:23)
Play Along in the Style of 'Hey Ya' (fast) (1:25)
8 Awesome Split Measure Songs For Guitar Beginners (Songs For Absolute Beginners Class 9)
Guitar for Absolute Beginners - Lesson 10
Lesson 10 - Introduction (1:00)
Review of the Nine Most Important Chords (4:26)
The Four Most Important Strums (4:19)
E to A Down Strums @ 60 bpm (1:17)
E to A Down Strums @ 90 bpm (0:40)
E to A Down Strums @ 120 (1:06)
D-A7-G-A7 with Alternate Strum @ 60 bpm (1:36)
D-A7-G-A7 with Alternate Strum @ 90 bpm (1:05)
D-G with Basic Strum @ 60 bpm (1:23)
D-G with Basic Strum @ 80 bpm (1:20)
D-G with Basic Strum @ 100 bpm (1:17)
G to C Best Strum @ 60 bpm (1:45)
G to C Best Strum @ 80 bpm (1:16)
G to C Best Strum @ 100 bpm (1:25)
Review of Split Measures and Mixed Rhythms (2:35)
D-G Basic Strum to A7 Best @ 60 bpm (1:55)
D-G Basic Strum to A7 Best @ 80 bpm (1:15)
D-G Basic Strum to A7 Best @ 100 bpm (1:29)
D-A7-G-A7 with Alternate Strum @ 120 bpm (1:15)
G Best Strum to C-A7 Basic Strum @ 60 bpm (1:24)
G Best Strum to C-A7 Basic Strum @ 80 bpm (2:40)
G Best Strum to C-A7 Basic Strum @ 100 bpm (1:21)
How to Practice Guitar, Or Anything, Successfully (6:53)
Thank You from Dan Emery (0:43)
Playlist (0:26)
Play Along in the Style of BlankSpace (2:36)
Play Along in the Style of Photograph (3:02)
Play Along in the Style of Hello (2:35)
Play Along in the Style of Sugar (1:39)
Play Along in the Style of Falling Slowly (2:40)
Play Along in the Style of What About Us (2:40)
Play Along in the Style of Get Lucky (4:25)
Play Along in the Style of Havana (2:17)
Play Along in the Style of Titanium (3:10)
Play Along in the Style of For What it's Worth (3:50)
Playing On the Beat
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